Tuesday, 17 May 2011

DMU Teacher Fellow Projects

Who I am and what my TF project(s) are on?

Graham Basten

Clinical Biochemist interested in health and wellness.

My TF projects look at using technologies to teach biochemistry, such as playing pacman or using the iPAD,for live interactive lectures. My other project is looking at how to manage student expectations and perceptions, specifically regarding the final year research project module.

Specific project details, collaborations, events, recent funding or publications?

Worked with team on the VAL project, which is a virtual lab. Also, with other TFs in the faculty, running Cafe style events to capture student’s expectations and perceptions of HE and technology.

How would you like staff to be involved?

I’d love to hear from you, how you teach and use technology for, please tweet me @grahambasten or drop me an email.