Wednesday, 9 December 2009


When you get a bit bored have a go at CATS be careful though because it can be addictive!

Monday, 30 November 2009


So, in the 3rd year and fancy doing a PhD the following are great sites;

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Medical School Graduate Entry

So... in year 3 and fancy applying for graduate entry medicine? What shall I do?

Firstly, read the following links (there are more available so this is not an exhausted list)

Guide 1

Guide 2

Guide 3

Guide 4

If it still sounds interesting then make an appointment to see your personal tutor and ask for an academic reference and signposting about to complete the UCAS test and form.

This book is one of many that would be a good resource and helpful in writing personal statements

Please allow at least 48 hours between requests to personal tutors for references and whilst we cannot give you a predicated grade we can recommend you (the same as saying you'll get a good enough grade) or offer an opinion based on your year 2 performance.

Friday, 28 August 2009

School of Allied Health Sciences – Academic Practice Officer

Useful links for students to read:

If you are asked to attend an APO hearing we recommend that you seek advice from the DSU as soon as possible:
DSU Guidance

If you have been found guilty of an academic offence and need some practical advice, please contact the Guidance Workers in Student Services. We provide an impartial service and can advise you on how to address any issues and support you in any actions you may need to take. We can also refer you to other support within the University which you may find useful.

DMU Registrar
Academic Offences
Bad Academic Practice

Monday, 24 August 2009

Research Link

Link to a site for the Research Students

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

So…why tweet? Why a blog? And finally why isothiocyanates?

I wanted a quick and generic way to communicate with all my students.

The aim is to add value to Blackboard:

  • Follow me on twitter and via my blog which will notify students of new announcements on blackboard shells. These announcements will have details about room changes, grades published etc.
  • The blog will also contain non-module specific entries and links, but when needed have links to specific shells on Blackboard
  • The blog will also be a source of additional reading, chapters to read prior to lectures, other links and research ideas and projects.

So, why isothiocyanates?

Isothiocyanates are the bitter taste in green vegetables like Brussels sprouts. Some people think they may help reduce the risk of cancer. I did my PhD on these little characters so I owe a lot to them!

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Recommended Text for year 2 and 3 BMS 2009

This book will be my main book for BIOM3001 and BIOM2002.

You can also get it from the library or bookshop

These other books will be additional if you want extra reading for my lectures in BIOM2002 and BIOM3001

This book can be bought from the DMU bookshop or borrowed from the library.

This book contains access to student consult website which contains self assessments questions and can be bought from the DMU bookshop or borrowed from the library.

The following is a good general text